portrait of a female soldier
We understand mental illness and the difficulties it creates for those who suffer from it. At our San Diego Mental Health Treatment Center we are sensitive to your challenges. Solara will find every possible solution to enable you to live the life that you are meant to live.


Co-Occurring Impulse Control Disorders

Impulse control disorders can be upsetting, even heartbreaking, for both those who struggle with them and for their loved ones. Characterized by a lack of control, impulse disorders cause those with them to engage in destructive behaviors such as substance use, gambling and other process addictions. Left unchecked, these destructive behaviors can have intense consequences on any and all aspects of a person’s life. Consequences can be health-related, professional or social, even financial or legal.  In turn, these consequences can cause profound feeling of shame, guilt and isolation, particularly when loved ones are affected.

Sometimes, impulse control disorders are combined with other mental health disorders, such as anxiety or depression. For co-occurring impulse control disorders, specialized treatment is needed to address both illnesses appropriately and decrease the possibility of relapse. With Solara Mental Health’s impulse control disorder treatment in San Diego, those with co-occurring impulse control disorders can heal and learn to lead stable, fulfilling, and happy lives.

Treatment at Solara Health

During Solara Mental Health’s intensive program, veterans are disconnected from their everyday life, removing them from places, situations and stressors that can cause them to act on their impulses. Many veterans find this distance to be vital to recovery.  Away from their usual triggers, they have the space to truly asses their behavior and begin the healing process.

Our program structure and psychiatric facilities are augmented by our staff, who are experts in treating co-occurring impulse control disorders. Clinicians will work individually with veterans to create a treatment plan that is thorough and specific, addressing all their specific symptoms and struggles. Through a personalized treatment plan, veterans are able to work through their disorder in an environment that is supportive and safe. We also utilize family therapy, allowing veterans and their loved ones to openly discuss their relationship and learn how to heal and support each other.


For some veterans, impulse control disorder medications—such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications—have been found to be successful in treatment. As needed, Solara Mental Health’s psychiatrists will prescribe medication that appropriately addresses both a veteran’s impulse control disorder and co-occurring disorder.

Individual Psychotherapy

Individual psychotherapy is a proven, effective method for veterans seeking relief from co-occurring impulse control disorders. Working one-on-one with our expert staff, veterans will examine their disorder in-depth, working to identify their triggers and practice new skills that will help them avoid engaging in destructive behaviors. Clinicians will also help veterans separate their impulse control disorder from their co-occurring mental health disorder, allowing them to see how the two influence each other.  Once this is accomplished, our mental health treatment center is able to treat each disorder appropriately for the most effective recovery possible.

Through this in-depth study, veterans will learn a variety of techniques to reduce stress and alleviate anxiety.  Patients can then use these techniques to stop triggers before they start. Our clinicians will also help veterans learn to see situations realistically and make decisions accordingly. As veterans learn these skills, they learn to break the cycle of mounting tension, release and remorse that is so central to co-occurring impulse control disorders—and once free of this cycle, veterans can move forward towards stability and healing.

Specialized Group Therapy

Solara Mental Health provides a specialized impulse control therapy group as part of its treatment program. Here, veterans struggling with co-occurring impulse control disorders can meet in a structured support group to discuss both their experiences and their methods for overcoming impulsive desires and behaviors. In addition to building on progress made during individual therapy, the support group is a place where veterans can receive support and understanding from peers, and support others in their healing process as well. Many veterans find group therapy to be vital to their recovery.  It allows them to develop compassion for both others and themselves and find relief from guilt.

Family Therapy

Family therapy is a crucial part of recovering from co-occurring impulse control disorders. People struggling with this disorder often find themselves focusing heavily on their illness or engaging frequently in impulsive behaviors, which can have severe emotional and practical consequences for the family. For instance, a gambling addiction can cause intense financial distress and substance abuse can damage the family both economically and emotionally.

Solara Mental Health’s family therapy program gives family members a caring, understanding place where they can express their feelings, heal personally and repair hurt relationships. As needed, family members can also gain a more thorough understanding of the disorder itself and discuss ways to support their loved one through recovery.

Holistic Care

Stress reduction is an important part of managing co-occurring impulse control disorders.  Solara Mental Health offers several physical therapies as part of our treatment program. Massages will alleviate tension that builds up in the body.  Meditation and yoga will help veterans ground themselves in their body and relax. These physical therapeutic modalities give veterans extra methods for avoiding and overcoming triggers.  They also aid veterans in mastering the impulse to engage in damaging behaviors.

While our veterans make considerable and rapid improvements, impulse control disorder is often a long-term condition. Through years of experience, our mental health treatment center has learned how to provides the entire spectrum of care for our veterans.  From inpatient to outpatient, from transitional living to a long-term aftercare plan, our program has been designed to free our veterans from the clutches of impulse control disorder.

Contact us now to start the healing process.

Solara’s Co-Occurring Impulse Control Disorders Treatment for Veterans

The lack of control associated with impulse disorders leads to destructive behaviors such as substance abuse, gambling, and other process addictions. The mental health treatment facility recognizes that each veteran has unique needs. Depending on their diagnosis and symptoms, we will customize their treatment plan. 

Solara Mental Health is VA contracted as a community care provider, which gives us the unique opportunity to help veterans with their mental health needs, including Co-Occurring Impulse Control disorder treatment. Once authorization is approved, we provide housing, transportation, and accommodations.

Proudly Serving Veterans
with TriWest Insurance

TriWest Healthcare

What Our Clients Say


The therapists and counselors and really whole team were extremely beneficial to me and my understanding of my issues. The treatment plan they developed was exactly what I needed


I have never felt better than I do now, since completing your program. The truly caring and supportive staff and the intensive program changed my life. What a neat place to stay for treatment - I love Pacific Beach! I have learned skills and behavior to move forward with my life thanks to you.

Watson Family

Solara’s program was such a positive experience for our mom (and for us)! She had become almost impossible to deal with. Your entire staff was phenomenally supportive and kind and patient with her. We feel like we’ve got our mom back, now.

Michelle Family

I want to thank you and the entire staff and support system at Solara for taking such good care of my sister. On behalf of my entire family, we want you all to understand that your patience and kindness stretches further than you can see… Thank you, again and again, from the bottom of my heart.


The program has given me the tools I needed to really gain stability. For the first time in years - maybe for as long as I can remember, actually, I’m learning how to cope and manage my stressors and triggers. I now believe that I can find some relief and happiness.


Even though I’m not religious, I realized when I got sober that for the first time in my life I wanted to explore my spiritual side. I benefited hugely from the individual spiritual sessions that I had with Chris. I’m really grateful for that aspect of the whole treatment experience.

M.P. – Father

Your program provided our daughter with the most masterful therapist we have ever encountered (and we have used many).  She has had an unbelievable ability to see the long-term trajectory of our daughter’s treatment and to approach her treatment in stages that fit where my daughter’s development was.  We can’t say enough positive about her.


We are so grateful to you for the treatment and care you provided our daughter. She is doing unbelievably well now thanks to your program. We will gladly tell anyone we encounter that needs treatment about the wonderful work you do at Solara.


The Solara program is truly amazing. I’ve never had more clarity or more good energy in my entire life. The attention the physicians and the therapists gave me was outstanding. I feel like they truly understood and addressed my issues, which had consumed my life for years. Thank you all.


Solara was truly a life-changing experience for me and for our children, because of what you did for my wife! The treatment team was phenomenally supportive and perfect for helping her with her anxiety and depression. We are all now moving forward to put our lives back together and it started with you all in Pacific Beach. Thank you for what you do.


The Solara Treatment Program was a life-changing experience for me. To be able to heal in such a beautiful, peaceful environment, with such a terrific treatment team, was so amazingly positive. I have found my true self, again. I thank you and my family thanks you for helping me become the person I was meant to be.

R.M. – Father

If not for Solara Mental Health, I am almost positive that our daughter would not be as advanced in her treatment, and would not have the almost miraculous confident and positive outlook that she has.