Table of Contents


depressed veteran
We understand mental illness and the difficulties it creates for those who suffer from it. At our San Diego Mental Health Treatment Center we are sensitive to your challenges. Solara will find every possible solution to enable you to live the life that you are meant to live.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is a mental disorder characterized by a fight-or-flight response triggered in non-threatening circumstances due to a previous traumatic event. PTSD used to be known as “battle fatigue” by military personnel is not only experienced by soldiers. This disorder can affect anyone who has experienced a traumatic event.

The five most common types of PTSD include Normal Stress Response, Acute Stress Disorder, Uncomplicated PTSD, Comorbid PTSD, and Complex PTSD.

Complex PTSD occurs when someone has endured traumatic experiences over long periods of time — such as during childhood. People with complex PTSD are often diagnosed with other mood and personality disorders, making treatment a much slower process. Treatment programs for Complex PTSD need to be well structured, extremely sensitive, and highly personalized.

Even without professional treatment, PTSD may go away after a few months. Most people with PTSD get better with time, but they may still have lingering problems. Specialized therapy, potentially with medication, can address the entire array of triggers and causes, aiding the recovery process. With a complete approach, the chances of PTSD going away are much higher.

By patiently listening and providing support, allowing them to talk through their experiences and symptoms, you can better understand how PTSD affects that person. With that understanding, you can better build up their trust and safety of their surroundings. Support them through a predictable schedule and sticking to any promises made. Try to stay calm through their triggers and consider getting professional help if their situation does not get better.

Mental Health and Wellness

PTSD Treatment in San Diego

Solara Mental Health seeks to free veterans from PTSD by offering the best post-traumatic stress disorder treatment in San Diego. Our goal is to help those with PTSD return to full psychological health and live full, healthy lives. To achieve this goal, our inpatient psychiatric counseling program combines the strengths of individual therapy, group therapy and holistic therapies for comprehensive and effective treatment.

Additionally, our trauma therapists integrate innovative, trauma-specific therapies such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) to address each veteran’s individual experiences, symptoms and needs. This combination of modalities offers veterans the most specific, effective and compassionate treatment available, helping veterans be freed from the pain of trauma and led to a full, secure and healthy life.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment

Psychological trauma can be caused by any number of distressing events, including emotional or physical abuse, sexual or physical assault, combat and natural disasters. The trauma caused by these events can be long-lasting and deeply painful, particularly for people with post-traumatic stress disorder. For those with PTSD, the healing process that would normally gradually lessen the effects of trauma does not work properly.

Instead, people with PTSD find themselves unable to heal from their traumatic event; it becomes an almost all-encompassing characteristic of their thought processes, habits and feelings. The result is a wide variety of both physical and psychological symptoms that are emotionally and physically painful and debilitating. If not treated by a trauma therapist, these symptoms can lead to social and professional withdrawal, interpersonal conflict, isolation, self-destructive habits, and deep inner turmoil and pain.

PTSD Symptoms

The symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are classified into four subgroups:

Intrusive Memories

  • Unwanted, persistent thoughts about the traumatic event
  • Strong physical and emotional reactions to reminders of the event
  • Flashbacks to the event itself, which can feel very real
  • Nightmares about the event


  • Avoiding thinking about the event at all, or pretending the event did not happen
  • Avoiding any situation that may bring up memories of the event

Negative changes in thinking and mood

  • Negative or destructive feelings about yourself, your life, others, the world or the future
  • Inability to feel happiness or excitement, and/or prolonged feelings of sadness or hopelessness
  • Interpersonal conflicts at work, with friends or with family
  • Memory loss or other cognitive impairments
  • Lack of interest in previously enjoyed habits, or lack of passion for life

Arousal symptoms

  • Hypervigilance
  • Increased irritability or anger
  • Insomnia
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Self-destructive behaviors, including substance abuse
  • Strong feelings of shame or guilt

If you feel like you may be experiencing PTSD, try checking out our PTSD Self Test based on official DSM-5 criteria.

While DSM-5 criteria are used in the U.S., the International Classification of Diseases classifies a higher severity of PTSD as Complex PTSD (C-PTSD). You can learn more about C-PTSD here.

Road to Recovery

At our mental health treatment center we understand how disruptive PTSD symptoms can be to everyday life, and how inescapable these symptoms can feel. To aid in veterans’ recovery, we have created a psychiatric facility that is calm, quiet and comfortable.  It is the perfect refuge from the stresses of day-to-day living. Here, veterans find the ideal environment to relax and recover, far from the disruptions of potential stressors and triggers.

Our facility’s peaceful environment is aided by our compassionate staff. In addition to fostering a sensitive, respectful environment, our expert clinicians will provide comprehensive holistic treatment to all veterans, helping them build the inner strength and confidence they need to progress.

Similarly, every veteran’s treatment plan will be tailored to their specific symptoms, needs, and boundaries, creating a safe environment for veterans to explore, face, and cope with their traumatic experiences. Through this treatment, veterans can receive the reassurance and support they need to finally heal physically, psychologically and emotionally, and to feel secure, safe and fulfilled in their lives once more.

PTSD Treatment for Veterans

Solara Mental Health in San Diego is focused on giving veterans a supportive and safe environment to recover from their PTSD. Our mental health treatment facility recognizes that each veteran will have their personal needs, and we will customize their treatment plan to help with their specific diagnosis and symptoms.

Solara is VA contracted as a community care provider, which gives us the unique opportunity to help veterans with their mental health needs, including PTSD treatment. Once authorization is approved, we provide housing, transportation, and accommodations.

Get PTSD Treatment San Diego Trusts

While our veterans make considerable and rapid improvements, post-traumatic stress disorder is often a long-term condition. Through years of experience, trauma therapists at our San Diego mental health treatment center have learned how to provides the entire spectrum of care for our veterans.

From inpatient to outpatient, from transitional living to a long-term aftercare plan, our program has been designed to free our veterans from the clutches of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Contact our San Diego PTSD Treatment Center now to start the healing process.

Proudly Serving Veterans
with TriWest Insurance

TriWest Healthcare

What Our Clients Say

R.M. – Father

If not for Solara Mental Health, I am almost positive that our daughter would not be as advanced in her treatment, and would not have the almost miraculous confident and positive outlook that she has.


The Solara program is truly amazing. I’ve never had more clarity or more good energy in my entire life. The attention the physicians and the therapists gave me was outstanding. I feel like they truly understood and addressed my issues, which had consumed my life for years. Thank you all.


I have never felt better than I do now, since completing your program. The truly caring and supportive staff and the intensive program changed my life. What a neat place to stay for treatment - I love Pacific Beach! I have learned skills and behavior to move forward with my life thanks to you.


We are so grateful to you for the treatment and care you provided our daughter. She is doing unbelievably well now thanks to your program. We will gladly tell anyone we encounter that needs treatment about the wonderful work you do at Solara.

M.P. – Father

Your program provided our daughter with the most masterful therapist we have ever encountered (and we have used many).  She has had an unbelievable ability to see the long-term trajectory of our daughter’s treatment and to approach her treatment in stages that fit where my daughter’s development was.  We can’t say enough positive about her.

Michelle Family

I want to thank you and the entire staff and support system at Solara for taking such good care of my sister. On behalf of my entire family, we want you all to understand that your patience and kindness stretches further than you can see… Thank you, again and again, from the bottom of my heart.


The therapists and counselors and really whole team were extremely beneficial to me and my understanding of my issues. The treatment plan they developed was exactly what I needed

Watson Family

Solara’s program was such a positive experience for our mom (and for us)! She had become almost impossible to deal with. Your entire staff was phenomenally supportive and kind and patient with her. We feel like we’ve got our mom back, now.


Even though I’m not religious, I realized when I got sober that for the first time in my life I wanted to explore my spiritual side. I benefited hugely from the individual spiritual sessions that I had with Chris. I’m really grateful for that aspect of the whole treatment experience.


Solara was truly a life-changing experience for me and for our children, because of what you did for my wife! The treatment team was phenomenally supportive and perfect for helping her with her anxiety and depression. We are all now moving forward to put our lives back together and it started with you all in Pacific Beach. Thank you for what you do.


The Solara Treatment Program was a life-changing experience for me. To be able to heal in such a beautiful, peaceful environment, with such a terrific treatment team, was so amazingly positive. I have found my true self, again. I thank you and my family thanks you for helping me become the person I was meant to be.


The program has given me the tools I needed to really gain stability. For the first time in years - maybe for as long as I can remember, actually, I’m learning how to cope and manage my stressors and triggers. I now believe that I can find some relief and happiness.