Group of women meeting in a group therapy session

Women's Only Veterans Group

Women are the fastest-growing demographic of veterans in the United States. They are enlisting in significant numbers and filling more combat positions than ever. A woman in the military may face a number of stressors that factor into their mental health.

In 2000, women veterans were only four percent of the veteran population. But their number is expected to rise to 18 percent by 2040. While diverse, 43 percent belong to an ethnic or racial minority group.

Military service can take a toll on the mental health of veterans. Female veterans can benefit from gender-specific treatment. In many cases, veterans can use their VA benefits to cover the cost of treatment.

What is a Women's Veterans Group

A Women’s Veterans Group is a social community that seeks to build relations. It also aims to foster connections between women veterans and local communities.

The group’s mission is to coordinate and track the administration of benefits, healthcare, and services. They also advocate for cultural transformation and the treatment of women veterans with dignity and respect.

Female veterans face significant challenges when transitioning to civilian life. Most veterans have challenges after service, irrespective of gender. However, women veterans face unique challenges in health-related issues and employment.

A survey revealed that female veterans were more likely to have graduated with higher education than their male counterparts. But they earn approximately 100 U.S. dollars less weekly. Moreover, 16 percent of women veterans are unemployed, compared to 13 percent of male veterans.

Women’s veteran groups seek to address these challenges by providing help and information. These groups provide a community free from harassment.

Women Veterans Building Relationships

Women contribute significantly to the U.S. Army, the most agile, educated, professional, and strongest the country has ever seen. Despite their service, most feel unvalued, unrespected, and unrecognized in civilian life. Fortunately, women’s veteran groups build relationships based on trust, sisterhood, and respect.

Building a Sisterhood

Building a sisterhood for female veterans is essential to maintaining healthy relationships. However, the resources available for veterans don’t match their unique needs.

For instance, they don’t enjoy the comradeship and support enjoyed by their male counterparts. Eventually, these female warriors lose touch with their veteran identities.

Women’s veteran groups provide a peer support community that meets connections and social support needs. Such groups have programs that offer support via meetings focusing on the following topics:

Building a sisterhood helps enhance female veterans’ well-being and quality of life.

Building Trust

Most female veterans report lower trust scores in their healthcare providers. Women’s veteran groups work to identify and address their pain points. They ensure a consistent experience across veteran facilities to build trust.

One way of building trust is to identify what matters to female veterans. These include:

Providing what matters to female veterans can help in building trust.

Building Respect

Women’s role in the U.S. military has often gone unrecognized despite being in the service since the American Revolution. During the Civil Wars and the revolution, they served in combat like men.

Today, women serve in various military occupational specialties. These specialties include intelligence, logistics, munitions, and combat.

However, they still feel unrespected as veterans in civilian life. Women veterans deserve the respect, recognition, and support they have earned in the military.

Addressing female veterans’ unique challenges and needs can make them feel respected. Developing programs and initiatives to inform them of their benefits is a good place to start. Moreover, veteran facilities should foster a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for women veterans.

Mental Health of Women Veterans

Most female veterans experience anxiety, depression, trauma, or eating disorders. These mental health issues affect their quality of life and relationships. About 11.4 percent of women veterans experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In 2018, the women veterans’ suicide rate was almost double that of females who didn’t serve. Generally, female veterans suffer more mental health challenges than their male counterparts.

Women’s veterinary groups provide programs to help deal with mental issues. Wellness and stress reduction programs can help improve their quality of life.

Learn More About Solara's Women's Veterans Group

Solara is a veteran’s exclusive treatment center in San Diego, California. It focuses on honoring, healing, and respecting women veterans.

Assessment and Screening Service

A team of internal and external professionals screens all applicants. The team has a vast experience in psychological and psychiatric testing and diagnosis. The tests identify the factors that affect how the brain works to understand abnormalities.

The team recommends the most efficient treatments, medications, and therapies.

The assessment and screening service may include the following:

Residential Treatment Program

This is Solara’s core treatment program for veterans. It provides comprehensive mental health care for patients. Medical professionals use evidence-based treatment options to provide women veterans with the best services and care.

The residential treatment program includes the following:

Intensive Outpatient Program

A veteran’s outpatient treatment program can be more essential than a residential program. Therefore, Solara provides significant expertise and resources to its outpatient program. This program guarantees continued treatment and long-term recovery.

The outpatient program includes the following:

Veteran Mental Services

Solara Mental Health provides comprehensive outpatient and inpatient mental health services. VA (Veterans Administration) contracts Solara via TriWest as a treatment provider. In addition, transportation, meals, long-term housing, and extra services are available at no cost but VA’s predicted authorization.

Veteran mental services include:

Successful Results

Our track record proves that Women veterans heal at Solara. A significant reduction or elimination of dysfunctional symptoms is the most important measure of success.

Solara mental health each veteran’s progress every 10 days and adjusts treatment plans accordingly. This provides scientific evidence and increases the success rate.

Contact us to learn more about our program and how we can help.

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